What rules are you no longer afraid to break?
Many rules and paradigms which existed for generations have been swept away and broken into pieces in just a few weeks as Corona Virus awareness swept throughout the world.
Here are a few that I have seen:
☑️ Companies who didn’t believe in employees “working from home” are now extremely willing and even mandating they work from home.
☑️ Society believed that kids needed to be educated in a brick and mortar school in a traditional classroom. Educational systems that functioned the same way for generations now are embracing how we can use new technology and approaches to educate from anywhere.
☑️ Families who were too busy most of their kids’ lives to have dinner together, take a vacation together, or just hang out — now are gifted the opportunity to eat together daily, have a staycation and find new ways to enjoy each other. (My own family has had more dinners together in the last few weeks than in the last few years and we are embracing Just Dance, biking and walks together.
☑️ Parents who left schools and sitters to educate and raise their kids are now taking front-line active roles to keep their kids' education going.
What happens when all of the rules we hold sacred break?
It creates uncertainty. For some it creates fear and for others, it will be the time they dig deep and determine what old rules will never again “rule” their lives.
When all the old rules get so quickly thrown out the window and proven false it creates an amazing opportunity to re-think and re-write what is important. It’s a clean slate to design a way of living appropriate for our era.
The following are three questions for you to ponder, evaluate and reshape what you want the future to be!
What was I doing that was not working for me?
Most of us are comfortably uncomfortable in some area of life. What have you put up with and tolerated that is no longer working for you? You weren't ready to acknowledge it or take action on it a few weeks ago. You feared the pain of change would be greater than the pain of staying the same.
Guess what! Your proverbial applecart is already upset so it’s a great time to acknowledge, evaluate and decide — do I still want this in my life when the new normal emerges?
Now is an opportunity to take action in new directions.
Let go of what no longer serves you.
What was I not doing that I really wanted to be doing?
Look inward — what are those inner longings; urges; callings; desires that you have been ignoring? What was put on the back-burner until you had “time” to think about it?
The authentic desires of our hearts come to us as feelings and thoughts that bubble up from inside.
Society has given us many messages about how honorable it is to put others first; to sacrifice our own desires for those of the people around us. But is that really true? Has it gotten you what you want or where you want to be? In truth, we all want the happiest, healthiest, best lives for those around us. The even greater truth is if we are not experiencing that happy, authentic life for ourselves we can’t role model for others.
Take some time and let your imagination fly. All the rules are broken right now anyway. What would you rather be believing about you and your dreams and goals for the future? Take some time to journal about it. If you are new to journaling you can download a starter journal page here.
How can I use this time to Heal and Connect?
This may be the most powerful recommendation I have. In my own life, there has been nothing more powerful than connecting to my own intuition and wisdom and healing the deep hurts that kept me tethered to the past.
We each have a powerful guidance system within us. When we get to know and trust the voice of our intuition (some call it spirit, source, or God) anything becomes possible.
I can recall many times when I did not listen to that voice — one recently a few days before the stock market crashed that urged me to sell some shares of stock that I was about to cash out anyway! (I still don’t always listen and this was another lesson in trusting my own intuition because I did not sell!). I also know the beautiful feeling of listening to that inner wisdom and following it. It is what allows me to be here writing this to you now — living my dream of being an entrepreneur and coach being the guide others make pivoting life changes.
My inner wisdom has also led me to the hurts and sore spots in my soul that were ready to be healed. I work with so many women who have these amazing things they want to create in the world but fear, doubt, worthiness, and confidence holds them back. Each time these feelings are tied to roots of wounds that are ready to be healed. When those wounds are healed and the roots pulled, they claim their authentic power and begin showing up in the world and creating their dreams.
It’s up to you — during this time when all the rules of life are being re-written you have some choices. Will you turn in-ward and begin to re-write life how you want it to be? Or will you, in the end, allow society to create new rules around you that you conform to.
It’s up to you. The chains are being broken and you can allow your spirit to fly to freedom.
You can wait for the new chains that society will no doubt create and once again be chained down by life.
As for me and my house — we choose to fly unchained. Will you come soar with us?