You are Resilient. Everything will be OK.
Now is the time for resiliency and optimism!
In the past few weeks, our language has changed. We are now using terms like “social distancing,” “quarantine,” “covid-19” and “community spread” as part of our everyday language. We have quickly adapted these words into our vocabulary like they had been there all along!
I want to add a few more words to your vocabulary. Words that may help you come out the other side of this stronger than you went into it. You may be familiar with these words already but I hope you will make them as much a part of your vocabulary in the next few weeks as “quarantine!”
Resiliency and Optimism.
Resiliency is defined as the capacity to recover or adapt quickly to tough situations.
Optimism is our overall sense that everything is going to be okay.
Resiliency and optimism are two key parts of emotional intelligence — another phrase that has become popular recently. Emotional intelligence is how we respond to the world around us.
We are resilient human beings. Throughout the history of the world, there have been many major upheavals. There have been world wars, droughts, floods, other illnesses and yet life always goes on and adapts to a new normal.
Everything will be OK. It will never look exactly the same as it did two months ago but it will be ok.
We are all in this together. Somehow knowing that my friends in Norway, Africa, Georgia, California, and Montana are all experiencing the same thing brings a sense of comfort. It means I am not alone. Whatever feelings and emotions that I am experiencing — there are millions out there experiencing it with me.
It’s okay to feel those emotions. Feel everyone one of them. One thing I have not been so good at in the past is sharing how I feel with others. I have done a lot of suffering in silence. I know in my head that’s not the best way to be but at times I find myself falling into the old pattern of holding things in until I feel like a volcano about to erupt!
So I am here to tell you — now is not the time to do that. Now is the time to share with others how this is impacting you. Somehow once we let the scary words out they are not so scary anymore and we can see things from a clearer perspective.
Instead, lean into how you feel. This gives those around you permission to accept and feel what is going on inside of them also!
Let the emotions pass on instead of marinating in them. When our mind runs to the what-ifs and the worries of the unknown you lose touch with resiliency and optimism. Instead allow your focus to be on the current moment and what is unfolding around you.
My kids and I have eaten more family dinners together, taken more bike rides, and had more conversations in the last two weeks than we have in a long time. So keep your eye focused on the good things around you. Share the sense of camaraderie with your neighbors (from a distance of course!)
We are blessed to live in an era of internet and cell phone signals. We are not isolated even when we are not physically connected.
Holding an attitude of resiliency and optimism will help you. It will help those around you to enjoy the moments and to look forward to what this new world will look like when the dust settles.
Challenges build us and make us stronger when we approach them with emotional intelligence. How will you weave your new words — resilient and optimistic — into your vocabulary and life this week?